Microsoft Windows 7

Course Objective: You will log on to Windows 7, explore its interface, identify the different components of the interface, customize the Windows 7 desktop, manage files and folders, use the common tools and programs available in Windows 7, and browse the Internet.

Target Student: This course is designed for any worker, business professional, or private individual who needs knowledge in operating systems and file management skills.

Pre-Requisites: To ensure your success in this course, we recommend that you take the Introduction to Personal Computers course available at ElementK or possess the equivalent experience

With our extensive knowledge of the different software currently on the market, including all Microsoft and Adobe applications, ON-TRACK Corporate Training Ltd. has a diverse and flexible schedule that can be customized to your needs – we offer group course (both public and corporate), one-on-one training, and on-site training options. We also have easily accessible on-line training videos available.

Duration: 1 Day


Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:


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