Adobe InDesign CC Level 1

Explore more creative possibilities and experience new levels of productivity using Adobe InDesign page layout software. Built for demanding workflows, InDesign offers powerful features for creating richer, more complex documents; and reliably outputs pages to multiple media. With its sophisticated design features and enhanced productivity tools for streamlining repetitive tasks.

With our extensive knowledge of the different software currently on the market, including all Microsoft and Adobe applications, ON-TRACK Corporate Training Ltd. has a diverse and flexible schedule that can be customized to your needs – we offer group course (both public and corporate), one-on-one training, and on-site training options. We also have easily accessible on-line training videos available.

Duration: 1 Day


Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to use AdobeŽ InDesignŽ CC to create and deliver professional-looking printed and digital documents.

You will:


To ensure your success in this course, you should be familiar with the functions of your computer's operating system such as creating folders, launching programs, copying and pasting objects, formatting text, retrieving files, and saving files.


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