Delegation and Performance Management
With our extensive knowledge of the different software currently on the market, including all Microsoft and Adobe applications, ON-TRACK Corporate Training Ltd. has a diverse and flexible schedule that can be customized to your needs – we offer group course (both public and corporate), one-on-one training, and on-site training options. We also have easily accessible on-line training videos available.
Duration: 2 Days
After this workshop, participants will be able to:
- Use Performance Review Cycle Models
- Identify each stage of the Performance Management Review process
- Help employees create a work plan with work objectives and measures
- Delegate and track assignments and progress
- Motivate employees to improve their performance
- Prepare for, conduct and follow up on performance review interviews
- Part 1: Performance Management
- Competency-based performance management
- The performance management cycle
- Components of a performance management plan
- Performance journaling: an important part of managing
- Four major concepts
- Part 2: Performance Planning
- What a work objective is and why we set them
- Position Analysis
- S-M-A-R-T objectives
- How to write a three-part work objective
- Objectives for technical and competency-based work
- Benchmarking
- Writing specific performance measures
- Part 3: Communication skills and techniques
- Understanding Delegation
- Defining the task
- Formal / informal
- Barriers / benefits
- How others benefit
- The cost of not letting go
- The Delegation Process
- 6 step sequence
- Right task / right person
- Briefing and goal setting
- Communication and Briefing
- Practical skills
- Briefing styles
- Clear communication
- Support and Coaching
- Coaching and delegation
- Push/pull strategies
- Constructive feedback
- Acknowledging success: positive feedback
- Important Lessons
- Capturing learning
- Areas unsuitable for delegation
- Key review questions
- Do’s and don’ts
- Understanding Delegation
- Part 4: Work Assignment and Motivation
- How to delegate tasks and projects for optimum results
- Motivating employees
- Assessing individual motivation
- Developing individual motivation plans
- Avoiding and overcoming demoralization
- The Skill/Will Model
- Matching leadership style and employee maturity
- Dealing with the marginal performer
- Part 5: Progress Review: The Interim Interview
- Communication skills for conducting participative discussion
- Offering ongoing constructive feedback
- 360 Feedback
- Three vital questions to be answered in the progress review
- Part 6: Performance Review
- Reasons for evaluating performance
- Characteristics of an effective performance review
- Rating work results and competency performance against planned objectives
- Determining an overall rating
- Part 7: Preparing for the Performance Review Interview
- Four key components of the process of performance review
- Planning and preparing the interview
- Structuring the interview to encourage employee involvement
- Necessary documents
- Preparing the meeting place
- What employees/team members will prepare and when they prepare it
- Using the organization’s performance review form
- Part 8: Conducting an Effective Performance Review Interview
- Setting a comfortable climate and building rapport
- The opening: key steps to promote effective dialogue
- The Get-Give-Merge-Go model
- Review of feedback, listening, questioning and assertive skills
- Reviewing the achievements
- Addressing challenges and needed performance improvements
- Gaining commitment for change
- Developing the learning plan (training and development)
- Four sources of learning objectives
- Solving current performance challenges
- Prioritizing skills required for planned new projects and tasks
- Deciding on employee requests for training
- Assessing organizational requirements
- Discussing and recording finalized objectives and activities
- Part 9: Following up and Following Through
- Document procedures
- Honouring manager commitments to the employee/team member
- Assuring employee/team member commitments are honoured
- Tracking and milestoning performance improvement plans
- The importance of continual feedback
- What to do when major changes occur in the work plan or learning plan
- Part 10: Workshop Completion and Evaluation
- Personal Action Plan
- Course evaluations and Closure