Adobe InDesign CC Level 2
Explore more creative possibilities and experience new levels of productivity using Adobe InDesign page layout software. Built for demanding workflows, InDesign offers powerful features for creating richer, more complex documents; and reliably outputs pages to multiple media. With its sophisticated design features and enhanced productivity tools for streamlining repetitive tasks.
With our extensive knowledge of the different software currently on the market, including all Microsoft and Adobe applications, ON-TRACK Corporate Training Ltd. has a diverse and flexible schedule that can be customized to your needs – we offer group course (both public and corporate), one-on-one training, and on-site training options. We also have easily accessible on-line training videos available.
Duration: 1 Day
This course is intended for students who want to expand their entry-level knowledge of Adobe InDesign by using advanced features and collaboration tools.
- Adobe InDesign CC Level 1, or equivalent knowledge.
- Lesson 1: Creating Documents for Multiple Formats
- Topic A: Build Layout Variations
- Topic B: Link Content
- Lesson 2: Managing Advanced Page Elements
- Topic A: Create Repeating Content
- Topic B: Work with Text Layouts
- Topic C: Create Transparency
- Topic D: Use Anchored Objects
- Topic E: Manage a Library
- Lesson 3: Managing Styles
- Topic A: Import Styles from Microsoft® Word Documents
- Topic B: Create Nested and GREP Styles
- Topic C: Apply Styles in a Sequence and Manage Overrides
- Topic D: Redefine Styles and Break Style Links
- Lesson 4: Building Complex Paths
- Topic A: Create Bézier Paths
- Topic B: Create Clipping Paths
- Topic C: Create Compound Paths
- Lesson 5: Managing External Files
- Topic A: Import Layered Files
- Topic B: Merge Data
- Lesson 6: Creating Dynamic Documents
- Topic A: Create Document Sections
- Topic B: Insert Text Variables
- Topic C: Create Interactive Documents
- Lesson 7: Managing Long Documents
- Topic A: Create a Book
- Topic B: Build a Table of Contents
- Topic C: Create Hyperlinks and Cross-References
- Topic D: Generate an Index
- Topic E: Insert Footnotes
- Lesson 8: Publishing InDesign Files for Other Formats
- Topic A: Export PDF files for Print
- Topic B: Export Interactive PDF Files
- Topic C: Export Files for Animation
- Topic D: Export Files for the Web
- Lesson 9: Customizing Print Settings
- Topic A: Manage Colors
- Topic B: Preview the Print Output
- Topic C: Create Print Presets